Grief and Loss

"What I trust is that the same love that gifted us life, gifts us death as well. What lies beyond is up to love” Kent Dobson, Bitten by a Camel.

The delicate thread between life and death feels, at times, too frail to even mention. When there is a loss of a precious person, relationship, or a tragedy of any kind,  the grief that hits can be overwhelming. There isn’t a right way to grieve, there is no right time to move forward but sometimes there is a fear that you may never recover from the amount of agony you feel. Navigating a painful feeling as deep as grief can take up every part of you for a while. At The Family Therapy Place, we want to walk with you on this journey in grief. We want you to feel supported and connected at this most challenging time of your life.  Come and sit with one of our therapists in the safety of a place without an agenda for your grief.

Click below to learn more about our services or to find the right therapist for you.

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The first step is often the hardest one. You won't have to do it alone! We're here to answer any questions you might have. Let's connect!